Precisis sees itself as a design house for the development of innovative approaches in neurostimulation. Using the latest scientific discoveries, an electro-design was created that, despite minimally invasive implantation, promises maximum efficacy for a range of functional brain disorders
Artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms ensure future-oriented platform development for digital medical technology, enabling each patient to benefit from a personally optimised therapy. Close relationships with international experts in the neurosciences further support the evidence-based development of our products.
Neurostimulation for impairments of cortical functions – our first product: EASEE®

At Precisis, the patient is the critical focus of all developments. The therapies provided are individually adaptable in order to take into consideration the lived realities of each individual and thus achieve maximum therapeutic efficacy.In addition, dealing with the actual products is deliberately made as simple as possible for users. The systems have simple user interfaces; implantation is only minimally invasive and fully reversible.

The products are manufactured in Germany and Switzerland. Precisis as well as its contractual partners have accumulated many years of experience in the development and manufacture of medical devices. The safety of the developed products is evidenced by numerous certifications, such as the CE certification of EASEE® on September 15, 2022.